Massive Updates ComingOctober 09th, 2023

We are doing major script adjustments and will include a lot of new features in the upcoming weeks

Stay Tuned

Script Upgrade Progress 2September 20th, 2017

Hello everyone,

Because we have been getting lots of messages asking about balances and token balances

Balances are safe don't worry about that, It's placed under token balances for old balances before upgrade, We did that to avoid any issues or mixes with balances after script upgrade

Once upgrade process is finalized you will be able to move the token balance to main balance or to purchase balance according to what you prefer

Just for now we want to avoid any mix or issues that's all

What you earn in site now will be moved to your balance normally and current balance will not be affected or overwritten with tokens balance

For example if you earn 1$ in your main balance and had 2$ in your tokens balance, Once we enable moving tokens balance to main balance you will have 3$ in your balance

Hope that explains things for you

Kind regards

Cashons Team

Script Upgrade ProgressSeptember 20th, 2017

Hello everyone,

Regarding our script upgrade process, The following has been done :

  1. - Added ads classes
  2. - Ads now reset daily
  3. - Old balances are now visible under tokens balance in your account page and will add option to move it to main balance once upgrade is finalized

We still have long list of things to add and adjust so your patience is really apperciated

We will also activate forum and bugs reports via tickets system soon

Kind regards

Cashons Team

Script upgrade, Upcoming changesSeptember 18th, 2017

Dear members

Yesterday we started process to upgrade script, Some changes are coming and we are aware that balances aren't showing,

This will be adjusted once the complete upgrade process is done over the next days.

Currently some issues might still happen but we are working to fix it and we will activate bugs report section in forum as well.

Mass email will be sent out once all is done.

Kind regards

Cashons Team

Massive Changes Coming In Next Few WeeksJuly 11th, 2017
Dear Members, Thanks for your patience over the past few months with all issues we been having, We are going to apply big changes to site in next few weeks including adding more earnings ways as surveys and offerwalls, more payment processors and we will be reviewing and proceeding all payouts after applying these changes as this will include script core upgrades so that needs to be adjust first, Also support tickets will all be checked and handles Best regards Cashons Team
Cashons Possible Downtime On 25th March For Server UpgradeMarch 23rd, 2016
Hello everyone , Cashons will be moving to a bigger server on friday 25th to migrate from our current server to the new server some downtime might happen but all should be back to normal in a day or 2
Also we will start checking payouts after the migration process is completed to our new dedicated server
Kind regards
Cashons Team
Some delay in processing payoutsMarch 30th, 2015
Hello everyone, Sorry there has been some delay in processing payouts as we currently have issues with paypal masspay feature , We are doing a temp solution now and we will introduce some changes in payouts system to allow more members to cashout if they choose not to wait for masspay
Updates will be posted in next 2 days , For now pending payouts will be proceeded via an alternative paypal
Regards Cashons Team
Expected downtime due to server upgrade tomorrowJanuary 22nd, 2015
Hello everyone, Tomorrow by 6 PM GMT we will be doing a server upgrade as we will be moving to a bigger server to handle the traffic we get also server location will be changed to provide better routing speed to users from all countries so we will be moving server to data-center in New York
Till DNS propagates to you some of you will see the site under maintenance while those who get DNS updated fast will be able to access the site directly without problem
Regards Cashons Team
Click Contest UpdatesSeptember 27th, 2014
From today paid to surf will be counted in click contest , So the more ads you click the higher will be your chances in winning the daily click contest , We did this to give all our members more opportunities to win
Cashons Team
For Those Who Can't LoginMay 11th, 2014
Hello , We will be changing multiple page structure , So if a page doesn't load for you simply clear your browser cache and click the link from menu and it should work fine
Cashons Team
Cashons Moving To A Dedicated ServerApril 30th, 2014
Hello , In next 24 hours we will be moving to a dedicated server so you might experience some downtime till the dns propagates for you , We will be showing maintenance when transfer begins so if you saw it then domain is still propagating for you , On new server all will be fine , We expect this change to improve our load speeds and allow us to expand the site as planned
Regards Cashons Team
Grid is active againMarch 09th, 2014
Hello , We would like to inform you that we reactivated clixgrid after optimizing it , Now you will have 40 chances as a standard member and 80 if you are upgraded member these extra chances will be available till end of the month , Please review it and see speed and performance now and if any problem just report it to us with a support ticket , Also all grid ads got extended for 1 free month as a compensation for the time in which grid was disabled
Possible Down Time TomorrowJanuary 06th, 2014
Hello , Tomorrow 7 January 2014 there might be some downtime because we are doing some changes on our server , So either slow loading time or downtime should be expected , We apologize for this but it's needed to improve the site performance
Cashons Grid + Perfect money AddedDecember 02nd, 2013
Hello , We added grid game as an extra way for members to earn , At start prizes are set to 1$ till we evaluate and confirm all functions are working as it should , Then we will raise prizes so it can make members chances and earnings hire
For advertisers we added perfect money as a method for purchases and solidtrust pay
Cashons Team
SolidTrustPay Is Now Available For PurchasesNovember 01st, 2013
We would like to inform all members and advertisers that now we support solidtrustpay as a purchase method , So you can use it to purchase ads and upgrades
Regards Cashons Team
Cashons Possible downtime on 20/10/2014October 19th, 2013
Tomorrow our host will be doing general maintenance process on ddos protection firmware it will start at 2 am est time and will end at 8 am est
The expected downtime would be 1-3 hours mostly ( Wont be full downtime , Just slow browsing or some pages delay loading )
After that another update process will go on cashons which will include the script update and few enhanced features , But time of this process will be decided once the host update is done
Regards Cashons Team
Click Images Possible ProblemApril 26th, 2013
We had added a partial dns update on our server to handle the recent increase of daily visitor , This would cause small issue for some users making click images on some pages don't show for them , This issue is just temporary and clearing browser cookies and dns flush should solve this problem Cashons Administration
New Cheat Blocking Methods AddedApril 17th, 2013
- Today i activated our new cheat blocking methods , From now any standard member who has 15 denied PTSU , Or Upgraded member who has 20 denied PTSU , Will not be able to access our PTSU section any more , This block is to eliminate all cheaters who try to cheat in this section so advertisers will get a better result , Members who would like to provide a valid reason for previous denied PTSUs or want me to recheck their previously denied offer please send a support ticket so i can recheck their previous stats Regards Cashons Team
Referral Contest Is BackFebruary 10th, 2013
- Today we activated our referral contest again , With more winners and prizes , For more details and information about changes and conditions please refer to the following post in our forum :
Cashons Team
Fast Update And News About Referral ContestFebruary 05th, 2013
- Yesterday one of the ads was misplaced , Ad value was incorrectly set to 1500$ , This caused massive balance increase in some account and error , This issue was resolved and all affected balances were restored to it's original values
- On another thing , Referral contest modifications are done , Sorry it took long , Referral contest prizes and times will be announced later today in forum , Now we will have 3 winners and a lot higher prizes so stay tuned
Regards Cashons Administration
Login Problem Reported RecentlyDecember 05th, 2012
Hello , We got few support tickets about problem in login , This was due to error message not being shown ,So the block was due a login mistake as the error message which define this mistake wasn't showing .
Please make sure you enter correct username , email address and password , If you still get a problem send me a support ticket so i can check your account and see what's causing this
Hard Worker Memberships ImprovementsNovember 01st, 2012
Hello , I know lots of our members especially those who depend on their clicks do like the hard worker membership as it provide higher clicks earnings so i decided to make it 3 months membership instead of only one month , This way you will be able to build earnings on long time plus having a 60 cents payouts and upgraded ads for good duration , Hope you like this change
New News Box AddedOctober 30th, 2012
Today we added a new news box , This will be updated with weekly news about site and latest updates & contests , plus regular news about any hosting issues or problems we are facing , A reminder to all members , You can earn 5 cents by posting payment proofs , For more details please check our forum
Site is back & Payouts are back to normal schedule August 17th, 2012
- In past 3 days site was under a massive ddos attack , we moved to a new host to get such attacks under control so all should be fine - Regarding payouts it's all now back to normal schedule and all pending payments have been sent - More good news are coming soon as we will celebrate cashons anniversary Wish all the best for our members Ayman
Our New Feature Log In BonusJune 04th, 2012
- Today we introduce our new feature , daily login bonus , which will give members a cash , credits bonus , each day they login to cashons , details about this feature can be found here in forum - Also we enabled monthly purchase contest and you can track stats here : Best Regards Cashons Administration
Update Regarding Paid To Sign Up Cheat AttemptsMarch 19th, 2012
- In past 2 months i have been seeing some members who try to cheat in Paid To Signup offers by adding fake info or their email addresses or even their ptp link in cashons - Starting from today , members who have denied ptsu more than the approved will not be able to cashout , so those who try to cheat , with each cheat attempt you just place yourself more far from your cashout and make it harder for yourself - This will not affect honest members in anyway , even if you got a problem you can send me a support ticket explaining why some of signup offers you applied to got denied and i'll make fix that for you
Major Improvements Going On NowMarch 05th, 2012
- Hello , currently we are doing major improvements in cashons , to help members to earn more and advertisers to get better results . - We added new paid to surf ads which replaced the old traffic exchange this will give member cash for viewing ads instead the old exchange credits - For advertisers we added Liberty Reserve as a new purchase method , so it will give you more options - Updates will be posted on regular basis from now on , and if you got any problem just send a support ticket to get all your problems fixed Best Regards Cashons Team
Downtime And Some Problems In SiteJune 06th, 2011
currently our hosting is having some problems , they are working to fix it soon , we will post updates about it in forum , for more details please check here
Cashons first step starts today.August 06th, 2010
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