Hall of Shame

40831 members have been suspended for abusing our program.
Country Username Reason
pelon70 Violating terms of service by starting a dispute without prior contact
eddyleandro violating terms of service
zykill using proxy
smartparkss Using Automated Software ( Multiclicker )
sonicated suspended y 360 day inactivity
enachezorro2 Suspended For Chargeback
BBgo45 suspended for 90 day inactivity
sunny63 suspended for 60 day inactivity
legend355 suspended by 90 day inactivity
boristhecar Suspended by 60 days of Inactivity
rickby suspended by 365 day inactivity
denisullivan suspended by 360 day nactivity
loveroop suspended by 360 day inactivity
atongis suspended by 360 day inactivity
etoichkov suspended by 360 day inactivity
comm1980 suspended by 360 day inactivity
Buxxer suspended by 360 day inactivity
viralpanchal85 suspended by 360 day inactivity
vish1987 suspended by 360 day inactivity
dd0ctor suspended by 180 day inactivity
eti682 suspended by 180 day inactivity
mandara7 suspended by 180 day inactivity
lagunar suspended by 180 day inactivity
rajan123 suspended by 180 day inactivity
rehan4pk suspended by 12 month inactivity
1 through 25 Of 40831 members

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